GLOVE GLOVE GLOVE Saturday, Nov 7 2009 

In keeping with the three-part titles, I present: la boîte à gants à trois gants (the three-gloved glove box).


Acronym: BAG

It’s basically right in between your single and your double glove box in size. The two gloves on the left are ambidextrous, but the last is right-handed. For some reason I have a really hard time getting into the ambidextrous gloves.

Here is where I spend a lot of my time, the high vacuum line:


It looks complicated, but.... okay, so it is kind of complicated at first

And this is what we use to achieve high vacuum, a refluxing mercury pump. Just a little bit scary. I usually don’t get this close.


Mmmmm, Hg

Yes, I actually do work Monday, Oct 19 2009 

Well, parks and random close-ups of food are all well and fine, but I am here to carry out research, after all:

CPE Lyon

CPE Lyon

Here is the fine and venerable institution I now belong to, for better or worse. They like to boast that they’re a school with 3 Nobel Prizes: Victor Grignard (1912, Chemistry); Yves Chauvin (2005, Chemistry); Jean Dercourt (2007, Peace).

Doors leading to nowhere

Doors leading to nowhere

An exterior shot of the labs. I spend most of my time in the middle lab on the top floor. (You can tell by the orange propane tanks we keep outside for glassblowing.)